IFB Home Appliances
IFB Home Appliances is a division of IFB Industries Ltd which provides products and services across a range of product categories. It has its manufacturing location in Goa, India. The company has a chain of more than 250 retail outlets called ‘IFB Point’.
Originally the company was known as Indian Fine Blanks Ltd, and started operations in India in 1974 in collaboration with Heinrich Schmid AG of Switzerland. The product range includes Fine Blanked components, tools and related machine tools like Straighteners, Decoilers, Strip loaders and others.
The Engineering divisions are located at Kolkata & Bangalore. The Bangalore unit, apart from Fine Blanked components, manufactures motors for White goods as well as Automotive applications.
The Home Appliances Division started in 1990-91.The factory is based at Verna, Goa, India.
To set the customer free.
To be the best in the eyes of our customers, employees, business partners and shareholders.
- For our customers
The best product to buy, an innovative product that consistently outperforms peers and outstanding service that makes every customer smile.
- For our business partners
IFB should be the first choice for their products and services.
- For our people
An environment in which individuals can constantly learn, grow and prosper.
- For our investors
The Company should be acknowledged as one with the highest standard of corporate transparency, that delivers on promises given to shareholders.
To be the customer's first choice
1. Never let profit centre conflicts get in the way of doing what is right for the customer.
2. Give customers a good, fair deal. Great customer relationships take time. Do not try to maximize short-term profits at the expense of building those enduring relationships.
3. Always look for ways to make it easier to do business with us.
4. Communicate daily with your customers. If they are talking to you they can't be talking ta a competitor.
5. Don't forget to say 'Thank You'.
6. Learner is better.
7. Eliminate bureaucracy.
8. Cut waste relentlessly.
9. Operations should be fast and simple.
10. Value each other's time.
11. Invest in infrastructure.
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